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Health Made Easy with Dr. Jason Jones

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Dec 11, 2018

The Benefits of Gratitude


Every person faces a period in their life when they begin to feel sorry for themselves. While it is not possible to avoid this feeling, we are often advised to exchange self-pity for gratitude. There are different ways to show gratitude and regardless of what you choose to do to give thanks, gratitude can really transform your life.


There are actual scientific evidences that illustrate the benefits of gratitude.


It opens the door to more relationships

Saying thank you is not only an indication of etiquette but also a way to win more friends. A study published in 2014 by Emotion stated that people who frequently than a new acquaintance makes them more willing to seek an ongoing relationship. Thanking a stranger or a colleague who helps you out can create a lot of new opportunities.


It improves physical health

The more grateful a person is, the lesser physical pains and aches they face. Gratuitous people feel healthier than other people and they are more likely to be conscious of their health. As a matter of fact, people who are thankful tend to exercise more often and go for regular check-ups in order to increase their longevity.


It improves psychological health

You can dilute a multitude of toxic emotions by being grateful. Be it anger, frustration or regret. All these emotions fade away by exercising a little more gratitude. Increase your happiness and reduce depression by having gratitude.


It enhances empathy and reduces aggression

People with gratitude have a kind demeanor even among those who don’t. They hardly retaliate against others even after negative words are said. They are more sensitive and easily empathize with others. They have a decreased desire to seek out revenge hence they are not aggressive at all.


It improves sleep quality

The Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being journal published an article which stated that people can improve their sleep by writing in a gratitude journal. Simply taking a few minutes before bedtime to jot down sentiments can make your sleep better and longer.


It improves self-esteem

According to the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, gratitude increases a person’s self-esteem. A study was carried out on the effects of gratitude on athletes in 2014 and the results published showed that such athletes were more confident and performed better. Gratitude reduces social comparisons such that you no longer feel resentful towards other people who seem better off than you do. Having these kind of feelings is what causes low self-esteem in the first place.


It increases mental strength

If you want to overcome mental trauma, then gratitude is your best bet. It may seem contradictory to be grateful about something that hurt you. Nevertheless, this is exactly what you need. Being thankful even in the worst circumstances fosters resilience. And you are less likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.


Gratefulness is such a simple habit yet people find it difficult to exercise. Letting pride, hurt, anger and bitterness get in the way of our thankfulness always ends up bringing us more hurt. Simply choose to be more grateful today and see the transformation it will have I your life.